1. BC - read and log [30 min]
2. M - 2 WS on Median (only find the median and write a space for the mean for each problem. DO NOT do range or mode since we didn't cover it yet)
3. SP - 1 activity
4. PS - field trip form and money
Also, I would like to thank all the parents/guardians who were able to attend our open house yesterday. It was so great to get to meet you and talk for a little bit. I hope I answered all your questions and you were able to get a feel for what your child is doing in class. If you have questions at anytime throughout the semester, please don't hesitate to contact me at the email or phone number provided on the welcome letter given out on the first day of class. You can also write a message in you child's Daily Planner and I can read it that way and get in touch. Thanks again!
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